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Solar Energy - What is it and what does it promise?

We are in the midst of an ever increasing, world-wide energy crisis. According to most respected analysts within the energy industry, the critical outcome of this brewing energy cataclysm could easily dwarf all previous power shortages.

Our inability or unwillingness to deal effectively with this fact could potentially bring world-wide business and with it; civilization as we know it, to a screeching halt. Sadly, many people aren’t exactly sure what it is that they can do about these circumstances, as they have been inadvertently confused by two extreme, polar opposite positions that are going these days!

Half of the people out there truly believe that “Happy Days Are Here Again” and that we have already successfully weathered the storm and it will be smooth sailing now that oil is back down to around $40 a barrel having recently reached a peak of $150 a barrel. Meanwhile, the other half seem seriously so desperately panicked that things are far beyond hope and the proverbial “sky is falling!”

Luckily for all of us, the reality of the situations is somewhere safely in the middle of those two extreme views! There is a way to safely navigate toward a positive and profitable, energy future, we simply need to more wisely adhere to tremendous changes that have occurred within the environment and adjust our maps accordingly.

So what have we learned from the cause and effect processes behind the recent oil price “spike and plummet” phases? Most importantly, we have learned that under an “energy economy” based primarily on oil, which is the absolute reality of our lives is for the next 15 to 30 years, we all need to learn to more effectively utilize what we currently have available now, while making wise choices about our energy plans for the future.

Here’s where we stand at the moment! Our current “mix” of energy sources as of today is as follows: 36% of our energy needs are met by oil, 28% by coal, 24% by natural gas, 6% by nuclear power, another 6% by hydro-power and a mere, mind-numbing 1% of our energy needs are actually supplied by the use of "renewables!"

This means that amid all of the well orchestrated hype about companies running “GREEN,” the truth is, thus far, the effect of this current push to more regularly rely upon renewable sources is actually quite miniscule at best!

Meanwhile, as most people around the globe strongly oppose nuclear and coal options for health and security reasons, “alternative energy sources” have dramatically let us down and left us hanging high and dry!

Decades of natural gas conversion has only led to supplying ¼ of the energy we need! While hydro-power, which has now been around for centuries, even long before the use of crude oil, still is only capable of supplying 6% of our energy needs.

After more than 40 years of scientists, universities, conservationists and governments investing billions in research and development while strongly pushing the envelope and agenda for the effective utilization of what they call “renewables,” the tangible fruit of these efforts is minimal at best and highly disappointing.

Wind power provides us only 1 out of 100 units of desperately needed energy. Research for utilizing hydrogen shows tremendous potential promise, but it’s still at least 20 to 30 years away. So while ethanol, natural gas, hydro-electric power and other various forms of “renewables” are worthy of our pursuit, we need to reevaluate our perspectives regarding oil!

Clearly; logic and reason dictate that we become much wiser about our usage of our ever diminishing oil supplies. Any “Mad-Scientist” that claims energy source besides oil will be our primary form of reliable energy within our lifetime is deranged, delusional and / or deceitful.


It is unlikely that anyone currently in business will live long enough to personally see the day when alternative energy sources finally pan out and pay off, carrying the burdensome bulk of our ever increasing energy needs!

Only our effective and intelligent utilization of oil can possibly deliver us to that better, safer, cleaner world of the future that we all dream of creating. The good news is - it’s completely up to US!

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  • Anonymous on June 11 2010 said:
    As we watch the BP catastrophe in horror one thing is clear: Our energy (and planetary) future is too important to leave in the hands of self-serving corporations. BP, Goldman Sachs, Chevron et al, have invested billions in destructive INDUSTRIAL SCALE wind, solar and geothermal that will result in "drilling" of our remote terrestrial ecosystems. Vast areas of the San Luis Valley, CO and Mojave Desert have already been targeted as solar energy sacrifice zones. We can't assume that clean energy is all good, in reality, BIG industrial renewables and the new “transmission mission” are a costly greenwashes. We need fundamental energy policy reform that decentralizes (and democratizes) our massive, corporate controlled energy system or we will get more of the same destructive mining of our ecosystems.

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